For those of you that have pets, you know that they love their toys and become quickly attached to them in different ways and for different reasons. When Drifter gets nervous in the morning as we're about to leave, he wants to gnaw on something and looks for his big plastic keys in primary colors. And when he wants to play, he prefers a plush, fuzzy toy with a squeaker, like his own little dog, which unfortunately met a bitter end recently during a play session.
The head ripped right off the poor little toy. Drifter loved playing with this toy so much and he was devastated. He paced, whined, and refused to do anything else until he got his decapitated friend back. He even stared at it as I attempted to photograph it for the blog and at one point stole the head off this chair. It's a good thing we purchased him an identical one recently - he's happy again!

Eric Lovelin Photography

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