I've been absent from this blog for the last few days. My apologies to those of you who have been expecting posts but have been saddened by my neglectful blogging. I've been really busy the last few days and have been fighting an uphill battle with my computer on top of everything. But I have also squeezed in some photography, including some photos and design for
Zucchini & Vine, a mainstay in downtown Chico. They had their first ad appear in the Chico News & Review gift guide this week and I was happy to help write the copy, set up the photo, and capture and edit it for the advertisement.
This image will also appear on Zucchini & Vine's gift guide--coming to their website shortly--in a segment catering to the avid market-goer. I'm happy with the image and how the ad turned out as well. Look for more ads (and photos) the next two Thursdays in the News & Review.

Eric Lovelin Photography

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