One could never argue that Chico is a very rainy location. Certainly, I would regard it as an almost ideal location for weather. There's an Italian Mediterranean feel to our climate, with olive orchards abounding, lots of warm (and hot) days mid-year, and a slim chance that snow will ever reach the valley floor. Nevertheless, the past few days here have not been ideal for photographers. Certainly I won't be out in showers photographing people. I'm accustomed to the rain and gray having grown up in Portland, but I'll certainly never love it when I want to be out shooting.
At the same time, a few drops allow me to capture some beautiful photos of nature. Drops add drama to a plant photograph and the gray skies act as a natural filter for the sun, enhancing the vibrant colors of whatever you photograph. I think you'll relish a few overcast days now and then if it means you can capture an image like that above!
Eric Lovelin Photography

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