I have to tell you -
there's nothing quite like the experience of having a puppy in your house. They're playful, destructive, need constant supervision, and are unpredictable. I suppose many of you with children understand this phenomenon too. And amidst all the craziness that comes with the arrival of a puppy, there are those moments to look forward too when they find a toy they love and peace and calm comes over the household. Or when they're just so worn out that they crash, unexpectedly, in the most awkward positions imaginable.
I'd like to introduce you to
Birdy, Molly's dad's new chocolate lab, his
bird dog. She's the quintessential puppy and has kept my camera going busy in recent weeks. I want to introduce her to you in some of her softer moments, sleeping on a comfy armchair in two very different positions.
I'd like to call her Lady Bird as a nickname. Here she is caught sound asleep on her back. This angle tells the better story.
Eric Lovelin Photography

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